Contemporary Punk Thread!

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Hey y'all,

I've been spending most of my time on the site recently working on music that might be described as "contemporary punk"—basically more recent music that has some kind of lineage in classic punk, especially pop punk and emo.

Anyway, @Michael suggested I start a thread so that other folks who are into broadly punk-esque music can join in the fun. Here it is! I'll start with an outline of some stuff I've been working on recently:

Today I'm planning on tackling Braid's collection.

What other punk-ish things are y'all working on?

Gratuitous tag wall: @DirtyPunkKid @MyMistakesAreArt @ewokABdevito @orno94 @Effectator @nightpool @Sithishade @rosemaryearl @notmika @GollyJollyWally @DoomShroom @themidnighter @JustAnotherLosr @ranelson @Jtanner @j_resent @Edstark @TachyonEvan @BigVos @AlexanderMoore @lime_green_cafe @gabyayo @DrakMARivenson @Mattyboo22 @mightymatt @xdaej @colormecrazy @xWHALESHARQx @NicoleWitte @The_Black_Saint_And_His_Sinner_Lady @Galenator123 @EverettKim @b3autykill3r @ajc1ne @WillWhistlerBrown @gerbilinthemicrowave @bcwh123 @djgoaway @weenis @rock-genius @rock-genius-editors @genius-editorial-board

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