Songs needing the "Genius Canada" tag

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So, Genius Canada is a relatively new tag, but we've made some big steps in the last months, with tagging lots of songs of the most popular people (ie; Drake, Weeknd, Bieber). However, there's still so many songs that need the "Genius Canada" tag, and of course, I can't tag all of them by myself and see all of them. This is a thread where you can post links to songs that need the tag and I can get to them!

@genius-editorial-board can do it themselves (but maybe they don't want to), but whitehats can't. Feel free to leave a song (or even an album) from a Canadian artist that needs the tag and I'll do it!

cc: @pop-genius @r-and-b-genius @rock-genius @rap-genius @country-genius

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