[NEW ALBUM] Gwen Stefani - This Is What the Truth Feels Like

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Hello everyone! This Friday, March 18th, Gwen Stefani is returning with her first album in nearly a decade. Thanks to our dedicated @transcribers and people over @pop-genius we haven gotten a big headstart on content for this album – and it is absolutely filled with a lot to dissect.

Leading up to this album release, Gwen Stefani has done a lot of candid interviews with press a promotion, discussing issues in her past relationships. NPR even did a profile with Gwen Stefani about how willingly she has opened up in public. Some other notable articles include:



Thus far, she has released three singles, Used to Love You, then Make Me Like You which premiered on the GRAMMYs, and lastly this week's new song Misery. So far other lyric websites are just edging us out for that top spot on Google Search but with some editorial love, discussion, and views I am sure we can be on top again!

Majority of the lyrics are already up – no leak reported as of yet – you know how Genius does:


@genius-social-media when the time is closer.

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