So Ke$ha had her case to be released from her recording contract with Sony denied a month ago. She is now appealing, and here is a quote from the article:
It likened the notion that Kesha would be recording for Dr. Luke's imprint – even without his involvement – to "slavery." "Although [the court] recognized that 'slavery was done away with a long time ago.' … the court's ruling requiring Kesha to work for Gottwald's companies, purportedly without his involvement, does just that," Kesha's lawyers said in the appeal.
Thoughts? My annotation with my thoughts is here. Does she have a point or is this a step too far?
@genius-web-annotator @genius-editorial-board @Tyrant @pop-genius @dalmo @ewokABdevito @darkdoomhoney @Empath @drxw @KillerSnowTiger @Vesuvius @TVibeWinter
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