I'm going to address a larger issue.
So thus begs the question, why hasn't this been annotated any more than this?
Of all the major music tags, Country Genius has the least active community. While there's plenty of cross-over between Pop, Rock, Rap, and R&B, Country is an island. Most of the editorial board and readers aren't interested in Country Genius.
On a larger scale, country music is an island. It's primarily an American phenomenon, but even here, few country songs cross over to the other radio formats. Once in a blue moon, the Pop and Contemporary formats do so, but the hip-hop stations almost never do. It doesn't help that rock's idea of folk is so different from mainstream country.
Look at our AOTY list. There are zero country records on it. Country didn't even get its own category on the longlist, since only a handful of our editorial board like country. Also this article. Country isn't tagged on either of them.
Oh, and we didn't even bother listing Country's 100 most-viewed songs.
I think Country's lack of activity comes from the rest of the site's disinterest, a lack of readers, and a small number of active users. I do think Country can succeed, if enough contributors jump on board and get people to read the pages, but I wouldn't be surprised if the founders remove Country from the top menu.
CC: @rock-genius @genius-editorial-board
An Aside: Similar to how there's rockism and popism, I'm interested in a countryism movement on our side of the Internet.
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