Re: How many of you use Google Hangouts? (DOTD related thread)

Let me know if any of you are actually interested in this. I need to know ahead of time so that we can all decide on what time will work best

@gamemast15r @Bossun7 @ShellBAQ @Metaphors @Reply-School @ItsG00BZ @Eon2323 @ImNotaPlaya_IjustFuccalot @DrewCypher @YeGame @Nightcrawler97 @ifeellikepablo @B4_Da_BASED @OpenMikeAguila @YABOYNICKY @RetardedRaccoon @Chodelicious @DjPhonosonic @TheHodsonator @Wu-Pac @BiterBitingRewrittenBits @Gorean_Kajira_aka_Nikki_Lee @KuzManDatNigga @AnonymousBeAllUpOnYaCreditCard @Master_Of_The_Universe @YeezusShrugged @ALLCAPSification @Seamus @NewWorldStarz @drxw @TheRealIsBack @HopsinxEminemFanfiction @RoBooOnMyDic @iZNX @GothicM @CirrusMinor @venusianfrommars @MidnightMercenary @Quiksta @YoungToronto @ZayWopStan @TheUltimateDJ391 @Untitled @RobTheDude @aharry01 @music @general-discussion @rap-genius @genius-moderation

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