Thirty controversial questions, many controversial answers. Are you in?

The time is upon us

Debate of the Day is coming back later this month. As some of you know, the focus of Phase 4 was too put out more Debate worthy topics for @screen-genius and now this time around, we'll be doing the same for @music, which is another underrated forum of ours that needs more activity. However, this isn't just about improving forum activity itself, music is both more important and impactful than most of us might realize. Creating topics that interest us the most has been the goal of DOTD since the very beginning and this phase will be aiming to achieve that, and much more.

Here are the improvements that are being made this time around

– Quality over quantity

One of the biggest mistakes of the last phase was that I was focused on 40 questions per phase in order to achieve my goal of posting questions in every month, which would allow me to take a longer break (I know, I'm lazy af). The days of taking the easy way out with this series is over and now it's time for shit to get real, which is why I've decided to lower the amount of questions from 40 to 30 in order to ensure that filler questions are a lot less likely to occur.

– Song of the Day will actually be relevant

Towards the end of the last phase, I decided to try adding in songs for each daily thread to see if it would give each thread a little more substance. The problem with that was, just like random gif of the day, almost none of the songs had any real purpose for being there, they were just there. Well now, given that this is a music-focused phase, a good majority of the songs will actually be relevant to whatever the topic is, which will make the next playlist a lot more useful and interesting.

– Relevant news topics

This phase isn't going to only focus on music alone, as I mentioned before and even with the last phase, there will still be questions for @screen-genius @general-discussion and possibly @game-genius and/or @tech-genius as well. However, there is another genius in our forums (see what I did there?) that needs attention as well, and that is @news-genius. Now this is kind of a tricky one because it's not easy to turn every news article you see into a debate with just the snap of a finger (at least not any good ones), but this is one of my goals and if it turns out to be something that works then I may try it again in the next phase.

– Feedback surveys

I'm trying to find a way to integrate surveys into the series more often, but I haven't decided yet on exactly how I want to go about it, so I will leave that decision up to you guys as to how you think I should do it. Basically the idea behind this, is using surveys regularly to dictate which direction the series will take. Or I could just show you guys some of the questions I'm going to ask ahead of time and have you vote on which ones you think are good, or which ones you think are mediocre.

– Tag4tag

Not a big improvement, but yeah don't worry about pming me your tag name (unless you really want to). All you need to do to be in the tag list is to tag me while saying it so that I won't miss your comment. I mentioned that I wanted everyone to pm me if they wanted to be tagged, but that was so that I could keep up with your username since everyone likes to bypass the system and change theirs every 30 minutes. Now that I'm a mediator it doesn't really matter because I can search your aliases, phone numbers, credit card numbers and other personal information that you didn't know would be available us because you skipped reading the ToS when you signed up to this site.

On a serious note, thank you guys for being supportive of this series, even during the few times when it started to suck major ass. This time will hopefully be a lot different.

As usual, I am accepting any suggested questions you would like to send me to use for the series and if it is good enough for me to use, I'll give you a s/o with a follow when I decide to use it. So far I have around 6 questions and granted they are solid ones, I'm not even a third of the way there to reaching my goal, meaning it will take me at least 2-3 weeks to start it again. I will keep you guys updated for the time being.



@gamemast15r @Bossun7 @ShellBAQ @Metaphors @Reply-School @ItsG00BZ @Eon2323 @ZESTGODDESS @DrewCypher @YeGame @Nightcrawler97 @ifeellikepablo @B4_Da_BASED @OpenMike Aguila @KamauBellStan @RetardedRaccoon @Chodelicious @DjPhonosonic @TheHodsonator @Wu-Pac @BiterBitingRewrittenBits @Gorean_Kajira_aka_Nikki_Lee @KuzManDatNigga @thatsmisterwilburntoyouRESPEKITANDMYHUSBANDBOI @Master_Of_The_Universe @YeezusShrugged @ALLCAPSification @Seamus @NewWorldStarz @drxw

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