Literacies and their Investigation through Theories and Models -

Donna  Alvermann Donna Alvermann
Bookmarked by Ruth Harman

Literacies and their Investigation through Theories and Models

In this chapter, we first clarify the meanings of theory and model, particularly in relation to literacy studies. We then explore meanings of paradigm and their shifts relevant to the field of literacy research over the past half century or so. Subsequently, we review central theories and associated models that influence literacy research, especially reading, including constructivism, social constructionism, information/cognitive processing theory, sociocultural perspectives, sociocognitive theory, structuralism, poststructuralism, and motivational theory relevant to reading. Finally, we...

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Nicole Mirra Nicole Mirra
Bookmarked by Ruth Harman

The Council of Youth Research: Critical Literacy and Civic Agency in the Digital Age

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Nicole Mirra Nicole Mirra
Bookmarked by Tisha Lewis Ellison

Educating for a Critical Democracy: Civic Participation Reimagined in the Council of Youth Research

This article explores civic learning, civic participation, and the development of civic agency within the Council of Youth Research (the Council), a program that engages high school students in youth participatory action research projects that challenge school inequalities and mobilize others in pursuit of educational justice. We critique the neoliberal view of democracy that dominates in the existing research, policy, and practice around urban school reform and civic education and instead turn to evidence from social movements and critical social theory as a foundation for a reimagined,...

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Ernest Morrell Ernest Morrell
Bookmarked by Tisha Lewis Ellison

Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Popular Culture: Literacy Development Among Urban Youth

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David Bloome
Bookmarked by Ryan M Rish

Looking Out Across Columbus: What We Mean by "Multiple Literacies

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Donna  Alvermann Donna Alvermann
The University of GeorgiaLanguage and Literacy Education, Faculty Member

Alvermann -1 Multiliteracies and Self-Questioning in the Service of Science Learning

The purpose of this chapter is to explore the implications of literacy in its multiple forms (e.g., print, visual, digital) for science instruction. Specifically, I focus on the role of students' questions in constructing knowledge about science texts. Toward that end, the chapter is divided into three sections: the first section defines multiliteracies and situates this concept within social constructionist learning theory; the second section examines several assumptions underlying the literature on self-questioning; and the third draws implications from this literature for using...

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David R Cole David R Cole
University of Western SydneySchool of Education, Faculty Member

A Pedagogy of Cinema

A Pedagogy of Cinema is the first book to apply Deleuze's concept of cinema to the pedagogic context. Cinema is opened up by this action from the straightforward educative analysis of film, to the systematic unfolding of image. A Pedagogy of Cinema explores what it means to engender cinema-thinking from image. This book does not overlay images from films with an educational approach to them, but looks to the images themselves to produce philosophy. This approach to utilising image in education is wholly new, and has the potential to transform classroom practice with respect to teaching and...

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Thomas  Apperley Thomas Apperley
The University of New South WalesSchool of the Arts & Media, Faculty Member

How to get an academic job

This is mostly relevant, but is developed specifically for first-time job seekers working in HASS in Australia. Part One: Introduction (14 minutes) Part Two: looking for an academic job (26 minutes) Part Three: preparing an academic CV (28 minutes) Part Four: preparing a cover letter (7 minutes) Part Five: responding to selection criteria (23 minutes) Part Six: preparing for interviews (25 minutes) This was delivered on 31st May & 1st June 2016, by Tom Apperley.

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Jan Slaby Jan Slaby
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Critical Neuroscience and Socially Extended Minds

The concept of a socially extended mind suggests that our cognitive processes are extended not simply by the various tools and technologies we use, but by other minds in our intersubjective interactions, and more systematically by institutions that, like tools and technologies, enable and sometimes constitute our cognitive processes. In this paper we explore the potential of this concept to facilitate the development of a critical neuroscience. We first explicate the concept of cognitive institution and show how it builds on a more enactive version of the extended mind. We then turn to...

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Henrik  Bogdan Henrik Bogdan
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Challenging the Morals of Western Society: The Use of Ritualised Sex in Contemporary Occultism

This paper discusses the historical roots of the use of ritualized sex in contemporary occultism, with special focus on the teachings of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), Gerald B. Gardner (1884-1964) and Kenneth Grant (b. 1924). The notion of that sexual magic is related to Hindu Tantric practices is addressed, and a detailed historical develpment of the use of ritualized sex-as illustrated by Crowley, Gardner, and Grant-is presented.

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