Genius Season is back!! (Sign up here)

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Hey you! Do you like annotating, transcribing, making edits, and adding metadata? Dope! Then you're gonna love this new (old) contest. Introducing…Genius Season 4!

Genius Season is a knowledge contest we've run since 2012 where users go head to head to see who can add the best content to the site. Everything from creating annotations to adding metadata contributes to your point total and at the end of the week, we compare the points to see who moves up or down the leaderboard. This year's Genius Season will run for 6 weeks, with 4 weeks of leaderboard competition followed by 2 weeks of playoffs that will determine the overall winner. There will be weekly winners (with prizes!) for those who top the leaderboard and grand prizes for the overall winners. While we're keeping the prizes secret for now, expect hardware, music-related items, streaming gift cards, and Genius swag to all be awarded to the winners :)

Here is the point system as it stands today (subject to change based on feedback).

Annotation created = 5
Song transcribed = 3
Edit made = 2
Metadata update = 1

Anyone who has more than 300 IQ on do all of those things. Edits work both ways—contributors get 2 points for a suggestion being integrated and editors will receive 2 points for accepting the suggestion. The same goes for proposed edits. If you feel that the points system needs to be tweaked or just have any comments or concerns about Genius Season as a whole, feel free to post below.

Important: The contest starts NEXT WEEK! Please sign up below by commenting with your username in this thread by midnight EST Friday June 18th and we'll add you to the list.

CC: @genius-editorial-board @genius-moderation @tag-wall @general-discussion @genius-updates @rock-genius @pop-genius @r-and-b-genius @country-genius @sports-genius @screen-genius

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