1 Million Ad Views & Top 6 Countries


1 Million
Daily Views 

Salam / Peace hoerul,

Alhamdulillah, we served 963.973 ad views on June 24th. We are so thrilled since it is a great milestone for our team at Halal.Ad.

The main reason our traffic increased during Ramadan is that Halal.Ad is going viral in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other Muslim majority Southeast Asian countries. Take a look at the following chart for example. 

Malaysia has been gaining ground for some time. But Indonesia and Singapore are the fresh top leaders since we have literally 100s of new Publishers signing up every day.

We have many advertisers for Western Muslim Market and countries like USA, Canada, UK and other western countries are always served with ads. 

However, when it comes to Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore, we are just entering the market. We need more advertisers targeting these countries.

This is our challenge and we need your help.

If you are one of these advertisers, this is the time to give us a try.

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Maruf Yusupov
Maruf Yusupov

Co-founder of Halal.Ad
Your Ad Network for Global Halal Market
©2015 Halal.Ad · Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 · Aarhus C 8000 · Denmark · +45 86 20 50 33 · salam@halal.ad
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