IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!11!11!!!! The May Scribe-a-Thon is now here and better than ever—now all songs in the Spotify New Music Friday playlists count as 2 SONGS!!! Basically, the New Music playlists are a great source for us to look at when considering the songs that are most important to have on Genius, so it only makes sense that we convey that importance through initiatives. Keep this in mind—the top 3 scribers every month get swag ;)
The new page:
Aaaaaand the guidelines:
- This is a transcription contest.
- Check out the transcription guide.
- Any transcription counts for 1 point.
- Any calendar annotation counts for 1 point.
- Instrumentals do not count.
- Pages with poor formatting will not count.
- Annotate the milestones when you reach it and you'll receive a 50 IQ bonus via a cosign.
- By the start of each week there will be made a forum post with the standings from the previous week.
- The top 3 users with the most transcriptions overall will receive swag.
- You can message streetlights if you have any questions / concerns.
Only add songs from these calendars/lists:
All music releases for 2016
- All music releases for 2015
- Spotify New Music Friday Playlists (EACH SONG COUNTS AS 2 SONGS)
- Misc. Transcription Priorities
Totals from last month:
@yungdirty = 156
@ChloeConlon = 86
@hustleordie = 59
@cm7com = 55
@UnannotatedUnmastered = 35
@SabaHotFire = 34
@calderbarlow = 33
@RikHogeland = 20
@lemoncave = 18
@AlexanderTheReal = 18
@MForMarlon = 17
@Slimisms = 13
@WWJames = 13
@Theonlydjorkaeff = 12
@DaySleeper = 7
@KurtTrowbridge = 7
@Captain_Hectic = 5
@Hazeherty = 5
@JayDayer = 4
@Alec_Ratnaswamy = 4
@DoyleOwl = 2
@JumpingCactus = 2
@plinplon = 1
@JJK019_M00N = 1
cc @transcribers @genius-editorial-board @pop-genius @rock-genius @r-and-b-genius @country-genius
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