Radiohead Erase Internet Presence. New album coming?

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Radiohead's internet presence is disappearing. As Reddit users noted, their website slowly decreased in opacity until it went entirely blank. It appears that tweets and Facebook posts from their accounts have been steadily disappearing.

Update (5/1, 2:00 p.m. ET): There are no longer any tweets or Facebook posts on the band's accounts. Their profile pictures and cover photos have gone completely blank, as well. This comes one day after fans of the band received mysterious flyers with the words "Sing a song of sixpence that goes/Burn the Witch/We know where you live." It's unclear what it is, but something seems to be happening.

Update (5/1, 2:28 p.m. ET): Now, it appears Thom Yorke has deleted his tweets.

Update (5/1, 3:18 p.m. ET): Their Google+ page has now gone blank.

In January, fans speculated the album was imminent when it emerged the group had registered a new company, Dawn Chorus LLP. Another entity, Dawnnchoruss Ltd., was established near the end of February. It was notable because the band also established companies before the surprise releases of In Rainbows and The King of Limbs.

Via Pitchfork

Any Radiohead fans around? @rock-genius

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