Scribe-a-Thon March 2016

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hey everyone! since @ScopeY is taking a little time off to plant his first early potatoes i'll be taking over these threads and the scribe-a-thon in general from now on

to honor @ScopeY aka everyone's favorite user, i'll begin by copying his post from the previous scribe-a-thon thread:

hey gals and bois hope u doin well

January February is over, and February March is here – we just warming up! In January February we had 27 people who collectively transcribed a grand total of 611 787 songs. Can we do it bigger and better this month?

Here's the page!


  • This is a transcription contest.
  • Check out the transcription guide.
  • Any transcription counts for 1 point.
  • Any calendar annotation counts for 1 point.
  • Instrumentals do not count.
  • Pages with poor formatting will not count.
  • Annotate the milestones when you reach it and you'll receive a 50 IQ bonus via a cosign.
  • By the start of each week there will be made a forum post with the standings from the previous week.
  • The top 3 users with the most transcriptions overall will receive swag.
  • You can message streetlights if you have any questions / concerns.

Only add songs from these calendars/lists:

Most importantly – have fun ;)

@genius-editorial-board @pop-genius @rap-genius-editors @country-genius @rock-genius @r-and-b-genius @transcribers @TheScrivener

Here are the totals of everyone who participated in the February edition:

@yungdirty = 1605
@HashtagFreeKesha = 910
@Theonlydjorkaeff = 896
@KurtTrowbridge = 408
@darkdoomhoney = 248
@Sem_Groeneweg = 168
@Autrement = 147
@cm7com = 125
@Frank8517 = 121
@TVibeWinter = 112
@WWJames = 112
@DoyleOwl = 105
@Captain_Hectic = 97
@LanaDelReyquaza = 90
@JJK01 = 67
@Bloodstream = 65
@drummerdudebg = 64
@hustleordie = 64
@GregJohnson = 62
@Hazeherty = 58
@Ratpollo = 51
@SlimeThugger = 45
@JordanX767 = 42
@louiedro = 36
@ParkerK = 27
@MrXercules = 21
@Drew_Harvie = 20
@i_like_rap_a_lot = 10
@MichaelLowry = 7
@sosad21kinik = 6
@Empath = 5
@JaredWeis = 2
@jacobdvanee = 1
@plinplon = 1
@DonRummy = 1

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