PRESS: @tyrant + @streetlights collaborate w/ .Mic to drop some Kanye #facts

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¡happy sunday, scholars!

Have a very special bit of press to share with you all, starring our own @Tyrant and @streetlights:

.Mic—the "millennial website of record" (that's what they consider themselves, I don't make the rules!)—asked Genius to collaborate on a data-driven study of Kanye's lyrics and how they've shifted with the ebbs and flows of his life, personality, and career. Is there, for example, a conclusion we can reasonably draw about Kanye's view of women based on certain (horrible, misogynistic, hurtful) words he uses over time? Hmmm.

The data was meticulously gathered by @lil_tee & expertly sorted and parsed by Michael and Niday. .Mic did a nice job of editorializing this Genius scholarship and laying it all out via SEVEN visually appealing graphs…

peep it + share!

full credit goes to Michael + Niday for going above and beyond on this. Really shows off what Genius scholars are capable of.

cc: @genius-editorial-board @music @general-discussion @rap-genius @r-and-b-genius @pretty-flackos

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