Today, Anderson .Paak was in Genius HQ, where he was interviewed and annotated. More information can be found in this thread about what happened. The annotations will be up on the site next week, but until then we should be working on getting Malibu in tip top shape! Here's how each song stands;
High priority
These are the songs that Anderson .Paak is annotating on. These should be the one's we are focussed on most
- "The Bird"
Top scholars: @Empath @Jeyz24 @Drew_Harvie - "The Waters"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @calderbarlow @KINGDayer - "The Season / Carry Me"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @calderbarlow @GabrielOkafor - "Silicon Valley"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @calderbarlow @Chaos_J
Higher-Medium priority
- "Am I Wrong"
Top Scholars: @Drew_Harvie @KINGDayer @Alert312-116 - "Without You"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @Ezzo @Jazzcat - "Lite Weight"
Not a single annotation on this page - "Your Prime"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @Auf - "Come Down"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @pepperonata - "Celebrate"
Top scholars: @GrammaFone @Drew_Harvie - "The Dreamer"
Top scholars: @damijin @AmoghViswanath @palewire
Lower-Medium priority
- "Heart Don't Stand a Chance"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @zekethehooligan @Jeyz24 - "Parking Lot"
Top scholars: @Empath @DabbinBodie - "Water Fall (Interluuube)"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie
Low priority
- "Put Me Thru"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @calderbarlow @Oh_Dae-su - "Room in Here"
Top scholars: @Drew_Harvie @calderbarlow @zekethehooligan
I would love help on this. There's a ton of blank white, so whitehat help is welcomed and actually needed! Even if you don't know a lot about Anderson, getting the ball started is amazing. I can edit to add some stuff/background about .Paak, if needed. The best part? Every song needs work, meaning everyone will most likely have information to add. Let's hop on this!!
Final thing: Leave SLA's to me, unless you understand the context of the song within the album. Thanks :)
Everyone jump in!
@genius-editorial-board @music @r-and-b-genius @pop-genius @rap-genius
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