A Video Version of The Genius Knowledge Project

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Face it, the new users on this site that actually read the GKP in detail and in full are minuscule. I personally would've gone TL;DR as a newly registered whitehat. Of course, it's all important, necessary and I don't want to underwhelm the effort that went into cutting it down to size, I mean this as a matter-of-fact statement in the utmost.

So what if we had a 3-7 minute video going over the entire page that we could put on the official channel and add as a featured video, so that we can break the barriers of site navigation to emphasise what is needed to be a valuable annotator? I'd be happy to help out here or there being an occupied individual as all of us are. But I think it'd make for a really efficient form of communication that we could utilise to sooner develop and distinguish those with the greatest potential.

What do we think? I don't usually do tags on these things, but:
@genius-editorial-board @general-discussion @music @x-genius

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