ICYMI: The Genius community uses the Web Annotator to great effect on Pitchfork

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Whaddup everyone

This is pretty much an in case you missed it post, but hey, this deserves to be recorded for the ages. The story goes like this: everyone's favorite Condé Nast-owned, "millenial male"-focused music blog, Pitchfork, dropped a pretty negative review of Wet's new album, Don't You.

@annaose, @ez_rag, @babuc and @Prinze_Jr annotated some of the flimsier pronouncements, and it was, I think, an important step in democratizing music discussion. Check out some of the annotations:





You can read 'em all here.

But wait, there's more!

Jezebel wrote a confused-sounding blog on the subject, apparently getting mad that people were annotating things to express their own opinion. Needless to say, this got annotated, too. Nice work @babuc @channelPINK @Vesuvius @ez_rag @BennySwans @TheeMurkiness @SwineLord @ewokABdevito @ehmorris @​dalmo @JohnGanz @angelated @darkdoomhoney


Both of these pages were super-popular, and represent an important contribution to the big bad world of music criticism, so kudos everyone!

@news-genius @pop-genius

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