Mediated discourse analysis: Tracking discourse in action [Analysis of viral... -

Karen Wohlwend Karen Wohlwend
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Mediated discourse analysis: Tracking discourse in action [Analysis of viral video "A Baby Thinks a Magazine is an iPad that does not Work"]

In this chapter, I demonstrate methods of mediated discourse analysis as a way of unpacking and tracking how the smallest actions, like a baby's wordless swipes and taps on a tablet, constitute key meaning-making practices (e.g., talking, reading, writing, playing, viewing, designing, filming, computing, etc.) that signal literate abilities and identities. This action orientation distinguishes mediated discourse analysis from other types of critical discourse analysis through a recognition that • Activity is often neither narrated nor accompanied by text or talk; however, such activity...

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Judith L Green Judith L Green
Bookmarked by Ryan M Rish

Ethnography as Epistemology

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Ryan M Rish Ryan M Rish
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Building Fantasy Worlds Together with Collaborative Writing: Creative, Social, and Pedagogic Challenges

Josh and I wrote about forms of collaboration his students described when working on the Building Worlds project in his fantasy and science fiction elective English course. After we discuss each form of collaboration, Josh describes his instructional response to the students and the project. We end the article with a series of questions for all of us to consider in regard to collaborative writing with technology.

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Ryan M Rish Ryan M Rish
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Puzzle solving and modding: Two metaphors for examining the politics of close reading

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Ryan M Rish Ryan M Rish
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Students' transmedia storytelling: Building fantasy fiction storyworlds in videogame design

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Thomas  Apperley Thomas Apperley
The University of New South WalesSchool of the Arts & Media, Faculty Member

The biopolitics of gaming: Avatar-player self-reflexivity in Assassin's Creed II

In this chapter we discuss key gameplay elements of one of the most important and influential videogame series of recent years, Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed series. We propose that an essential part of the success of this game is due to its making a significant and innovative intervention in the meta-reflexive thematization of the avatar-form: the imaginative staging of the experience of the user and consequently the user's necessary relationship to the game software and hardware is the underlying theme of the narrative itself. Within this staging, the concerns of narrative and the ludic...

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Christine Sleeter Christine Sleeter
California State University, Monterey BayTeacher Education, Emeritus

Learning to Work while White

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Michele Knobel Michele Knobel
Montclair State UniversityEarly Childhood, Elementary & Literacy Education, Faculty Member

Conceptualizing and researching "new literacies"

Lankshear, C., Knobel, M. and Curran, C. (2013). Conceptualizing and researching "new literacies". The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, ed. Chapelle, C.A. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

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Carmen Lee Carmen Lee
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts and Practices

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Rebecca Black Rebecca Black
Bookmarked by Michele Knobel

Online Fan Fiction, Global Identities, and Imagination

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