Unknown 03.17 Edit Re: [DEBAT THE JAK/AREMANIA VS VIKING/BONEK] INI LAH MENGGAPA *INDONESIA* CINTA JAK MANIA... Venessa Ikkiy mengomentari foto Selvy Putri Anggraini di DEBAT THE JAK/AREMANIA VS VIKING/BONEK.Venessa Ikkiy 21 Oktober 17:17 @cahyani : lu mau kaya gini gk jongosRiwayat KomentarAyu Putri Bungsu21 Oktober 17:17huuuuhh ngeeraken PISAN .... gk pny stadion huuh Gbk mh nu rakyat indonesia bkn pny persijaaaN Hanny Baihaqi21 Oktober 17:16Ngapain ngelawan bocah2 yg mudah terprovok gitu . Kasian masa depan mereka masih panjang masVenessa Ikkiy21 Oktober 17:16@nova : yakin jongosWiliy Brga Arlanda21 Oktober 17:16The jek tukang sampah , kabogoh na monyetVenessa Ikkiy21 Oktober 17:16@paujiah : jongos2 aja yg gk di jaga wkwkLihat Semua KomentarKiriman AsliSelvy Putri Anggraini21 Oktober 16:10INI LAH MENGGAPA *INDONESIA* CINTA JAK MANIA (MENTAL BAJA, LOYALITAS, MILITAN) TIDAK SEPERTI DI BANDUNG (CEMEN), (MENTAL TEMPE) #KALIAN_LEMAHLihat Kiriman Ini di Facebook · Sunting Pengaturan Email · Balas email ini untuk menambahkan komentar. Tweet Related Posts :Contemporary Punk Thread! You were notified of this post because it mentioned @rock-genius. You must follow the discussion to get notified of future p… Read More...Mau Kaya? Jangan Ke Dukun! … Read More...Kim & Kanye expose Taylor Swift over 'Famous' lyric You were notified of this post because it mentioned @pop-genius. You must follow the discussion to get notified of future po… Read More...Re: NEW: Singles Release Calendar You were notified of this post because it mentioned forums you follow. You must follow the discussion to get notified of fut… Read More...Mega Rock Roundup 3 [7/3/2016-7/16/2016] You were notified of this post because it mentioned @rock-genius. You must follow the discussion to get notified of future p… Read More...
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