| | | The Nook in the Stream December 20th, 2001. The city of Buenos Aires. A decade of unbridled financial speculation has dramatically come to an end. The nook in the stream follows the stories of three characters on that historic day through a documentary film script. Meanwhile, four individuals experience the end of the Argentine Menem years from the perspective of unlimited and accelerated nightlife. As a result, worlds collide through economic crisis. This is a story that has never been told before, that takes place over a 10 year time scale, and explores the reality of global capitalist collapse with devastating... | | Call for Chapters (Book on Media, Democracy and Education) Description With the emergence of social and (potentially) participatory media 2.0 in a period of continued and increasing corporate control of the institutions and instruments of media comes a need to re-evaluate existing paradigms for teaching and learning about the impact and potential of media for democratic processes. The mainstream, corporate-controlled media undoubtedly continue to exert a powerful influence upon the thinking, agenda and actions of students and educators today; what we know, how we know it, and how we understand our identities, power, agency, change and society is... | | Pre-service teachers designing serious games for 21st century classrooms Serious games are fun and powerful vehicles for learning, yet initial teacher education courses rarely require pre-service teachers to design serious games they can be used for future teaching and learning. Wanting to disrupt this reality, we designed a course for pre-service teachers at the University of Vienna entitled 'Digital games, simulation and virtual worlds for teaching and learning'. The course required students to first play serious games to experience how deep learning occurs through gameplay. Then they critically reviewed a number of serious games and critiqued them. They came... | | "Multiliteracies": New Literacies, New Learning This paper examines the changing landscape of literacy teaching and learning, revisiting the case for a "pedagogy of multiliteracies" first put by the New London Group in 1996. It describes the dramatically changing social and technological contexts of communication and learning, develops a language with which to talk about representation and communication in educational contexts, and addresses the question of what constitutes appropriate literacy pedagogy for our times. | | Superdiversity and why it isn't: Reflections on terminological innovation and academic branding (2016) The purpose of this chapter is to articulate the reasons for my unease with the concept of superdiversity, the affective rhetoric it is couched in and the process that transformed a newly coined word into 'a fact on the ground' and an academic brand. I will begin with an overview of processing features that differentiate academic slogans from bona fide academic terms. Next, I will examine branding strategies that made superdiversity a recognizable name in sociolinguistics. Then, I will consider the many meanings of superdiversity and argue that referential indeterminacy renders it... | | | Academia, 251 Kearny St., Suite 520, San Francisco, CA, 94108 Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Service © 2016 Academia | |
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