Ethnography as epistemology: An introduction to educational ethnography -

Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
Bookmarked by Judith L Green

Ethnography as epistemology: An introduction to educational ethnography

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Tisha  Lewis Ellison Tisha Lewis Ellison
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Digital Participatory Pedagogy: Digital Participation as a Method for Technology Integration in Curriculum (Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 2016)

This qualitative participatory action research study provides two case studies to demonstrate how teachers in Grades 4 and 6 integrated digital tools into everyday, content-focused classroom instruction. The study demonstrates how teachers' technological pedagogical knowledge might combine with a participatory stance to encourage students to design and carry out content-focused projects. Findings indicate that teachers struggle with how to assess new literacies, especially participatory digital literacies that engage learners in collaborative and innovative ways. The study concludes that...

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
Bookmarked by Ruth Harman

A conversation with Bakhtin: On inquiry and dialogic thinking

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Tisha  Lewis Ellison Tisha Lewis Ellison
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Artifacts as stories: Understanding families, digital literacies, and storied lives (Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 2016)

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
University of the Incarnate WordDreeben School of Education, Faculty Member

Epistemological issues in the analysis of video records: Interactional ethnography as a logic of inquiry

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
University of the Incarnate WordDreeben School of Education, Faculty Member

Classroom interaction, meaning construction and curriculum change: International directions across curriculum

1. In this issue, we revisit the issue of the relationships between classroom interaction, meaning construction and curriculum change that has been of concern to readers since the beginnings of the Journal of Classroom Interaction in 1965. The four articles in this special issue address these issues as the authors make visible how teachers and students construct curriculum in particular disciplines in their classrooms: Mathematics (Brown & Hirst, and Warren & Cooper), Multi-literacies through technology (Kitson, ...

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
University of the Incarnate WordDreeben School of Education, Faculty Member

Comments on Slavin: Becoming critical readers: Issues in transparency, representation, and warranting of claims

Abstract This response to Slavin's article (2008) explores the issues of transparency, representation, and warranting of claims in Slavin's descriptions of the work of others and his suggestions for program evaluation syntheses.

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
University of the Incarnate WordDreeben School of Education, Faculty Member

Studying the Discursive Construction of Learning Lives for Individuals and the Collective

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
University of the Incarnate WordDreeben School of Education, Faculty Member

Editorial Introduction: Logics of Inquiry for the Analysis of Video Artefacts: Researching the Construction of Disciplinary Knowledge in Classrooms

The ethnographer "inscribes" social discourse; he writes it down. In so doing, he turns it from a passing event, which exists only in its own moment of occurrence, into an account, which exists in its inscriptions and can be reconsulted.(Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays, 1973 9. Geertz, C. 1973. The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays, New York: Basic Books.

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Claire Wyatt-Smith

Breaking Down the Silos: The Search for an Evidentiary Base

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