Critical Literacy: Putting a Critical Edge on Your Curriculum. NCTE Reading... -

Vivian Maria Vasquez Vivian Maria Vasquez
Bookmarked by Patricia Enciso

Critical Literacy: Putting a Critical Edge on Your Curriculum. NCTE Reading Initiative

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David R Cole David R Cole
University of Western SydneySchool of Education, Faculty Member

A Pedagogy of Cinema

A Pedagogy of Cinema is the first book to apply Deleuze's concept of cinema to the pedagogic context. Cinema is opened up by this action from the straightforward educative analysis of film, to the systematic unfolding of image. A Pedagogy of Cinema explores what it means to engender cinema-thinking from image. This book does not overlay images from films with an educational approach to them, but looks to the images themselves to produce philosophy. This approach to utilising image in education is wholly new, and has the potential to transform classroom practice with respect to teaching and...

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Vivian Maria Vasquez Vivian Maria Vasquez
American UniversitySchool of Education Teaching and Health, Faculty Member

Social Worlds of Adolescents Living on the Fringe

Abstract: Looks at literature that deals with the experiences of adolescents who are seen by their peers to be living on the fringe of dominant adolescent culture. Presents reviews written by a group of university students enrolled in a children's literature course at American University's School of Education in Washington.(SG)

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Vivian Maria Vasquez Vivian Maria Vasquez
American UniversitySchool of Education Teaching and Health, Faculty Member

Critical Literacy And New Technologies

The field of critical literacy is fairly extensive and there are many examples of practice that draws from its theoretical framework, but there are still relatively few accounts of critical literacy in early primary classrooms. Here I am talking about the lack of narrative accounts of what critical literacy looks and sounds like in different places around the globe. I

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Professor Johnny Golding Professor Johnny Golding
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Ana-Materialism and the Pineal Eye

Ana-materialism & the Pineal Eye provides a landmark interpretation of materialism, representation and the image using the Cartesian conceit of a pineal gland and its voracious sexually embedded appetites. Developing the argument via Bataille's re-invention of the pineal gland as an all-seeing, all devouring, (pineal) eye, Golding borrows this move to envision a different analytic approach to digital forms of 'matter' and artificial forms of 'life'. From her critical engagement with Bataille, Deleuze and Butler, Golding shows why the tools provided by these modern, contemporary and...

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Janelle Scott Janelle Scott
Bookmarked by Christine Sleeter

Reframing Teach For America: A Conceptual Framework for the Next Generation of Scholarship

In this article, we advance a conceptual framework for the study of Teach For America (TFA) as a political and social movement with implicit and explicit ideological and political underpinnings. We argue that the second branch of TFA's mission statement, which maintains that

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Dacia  Viejo Rose Dacia Viejo Rose
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Cultures and Globalization: Heritage, Memory and Identity

Heritage, memory and identity are closely connected keywords of our time, each endowed with considerable rhetorical power. Different human groups define certain objects and practices as 'heritage'; they envision heritage to reflect some form of collective memory, either lived or imagined; and they combine both to construct cultural identities. Today, the three terms raise conjoined issues of practice, policy and politics in an increasingly globalized world. Bringing together a truly global range of scholars, this volume explores heritage, memory and identity through a diverse set of...

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Michael Jennings Michael Jennings
Bookmarked by Tisha Lewis Ellison

Power, Politics and Critical Race Pedagogy: A Critical Race Analysis of Black Male Teachers' Pedagogy

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David E.  Low David E. Low
Bookmarked by Vivian Maria Vasquez

Campano, G., Ngo, L., Low, D. E., & Jacobs, K. B. (2016). Young children demystifying and remaking the university through critical play. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16(2), 199-227.

This article, part of a four-year research partnership with a multilingual faith community and its school, explores what happened when we invited young children in an aftercare program to inquire into the university from their perspectives. Through a sociocultural literacy framework and realist theories of identity and experience, we examine the children's organic forms of sense making through what we describe as critical play. The children took up our invitation to represent their inquiries into college by using humour and imagination to demystify the university and make it their own. We...

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Bogna M Konior Bogna M Konior
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Alien aesthetics: xenofeminism and nonhuman animals

The recently published Xenofeminist Manifesto re-fashions accelerationist politics into radical feminism. Arguing for a universalist xeno-politics borne out of alienation, xenofeminists see in nature an arch-enemy, aligning with the algorithmical intelligence of technology instead, celebrating artifice and strangeness as the foundation of revolutionary politics to come. In this paper, I argue that nature is but a phantom limb tied to the decaying body of post-Enlightenment modernity. Following the ontological turn in anthropology, I argue that by legitimizing constructed dualisms of nature...

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