Debate of the Day phase #4 | April 29th

I'm going to be referring to each section of questions before I take my usual break as "phases" so that people don't get confused. This time I typed out a lot of questions ahead of time so that I don't have to feel pressured to ask something really fucking stupid. The list isn't done yet, but by the 29th I should have plenty of questions to go on by the time I come up with the rest.

Here are a few topics that some of the questions I have so far will focus on:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Abortion
  • Death Penalty
  • Issues with the forums
  • Moral prerogatives
  • Conspiracies
  • Movies

This time around there will be more questions for @screen-genius because I think it is an underrated forum that deserves more activity, however there won't be as many questions for @game-genius or @tech-genius this time around. This phase will mostly focus on @rap-genius and @general-discussion and will also have a few questions here and there for @screen-genius. I'm still accepting suggestions/submissions if think you have a worthy debate question in mind. Thank you guys for supporti ng this series, never thought it would go on for this long lol.

Tag List:

@gamemast15r @Bossun7 @ShellBAQ @Metaphors @RapNerd99 @ItsG00BZ @Eon2323 @Daaamn_Diana_BackAtItAgain @DrewCypher @andYOUknowWHATiNEEDfromYOUwhenIgetHOME @Nightcrawler97 @ifeellikepablo @B4_Da_B4SED @OpenMikeAguila @YABOYNICKY @GamingAcer @DankMemesAndBrokenDreams @DjPhonosonic @TheHodsonator @Wu-Pac @BiterBitingRewrittenBits @Gorean_Kajira_aka_Nikki_Lee @Wicked-Ninja @RGsUnofficialBabyFatherAndDrewCypherIsGoodToo @Master_Of_The_Universe @WeezysSignat ureApplePie

Some of you will need to keep me updated on your usernames when you change them if you still want to be tagged.

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