WELCOME Sam, Leah, Andre, and Christine!

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I can't contain my excitement any longer, so I'm here to share a quadrangle of good news. Our staff keeps growing here at Genius, and I'm so happy to introduce four (!!) new members of the family!

Sam Riley

@sam_satomi has been working with our Fact Track team since the Fall and has now joined Genius as Editor. She's made some killer tracks across genres: "Hands to Myself," "Hello," "Ball Like This," "SKRT," "Say It," "Trouble on My Mind"—all Sam's!

Sam will be annotating and editing to make our song pages and Fact Tracks truly bomb bomb. Prior to Genius, Sam was editing and writing at at McSweeney's and The Rumpus. Sam kills it on pop and hip-hop and actually wrote a really fun Shelton track too.

Leah Finnegan

@Leahf is joining us as Managing News Editor, spearheading the strategy behind the Web Annotator and shaping how Genius approaches online journalism and meta-media commentary.

We've been fans of Leah's since her tenure at Gawker as their features editor; she was also a staff editor on the op-ed page at the New York Times and a frequent contributor to The Awl. (Check out her piece, "Instagrams from Auschwitz".) It goes without saying Leah is incredibly fluent in media, politics, and Internet culture and has a singular voice that's sharp and frequently hilarious.

With all the shifts in media—including newsrooms going fully digital (or trying to), publishers racing to crack the code for what makes stuff go viral, and everyone on the political beat trying to make sense of this election year—we're extremely excited to have Leah onboard, spreading the Web Annotator word around the web, annotating and pulling back the curtain on how stories on the Internet get made, packaged, and shared. She'll be working closely with @stephen_j_p and everyone in the News Genius community to show the interwebs what we can do and work on new ways to collaborate with publishers and partners.

Andre Torres

@AndreTorres is our new Executive Editor leading and managing our Knowledge Team (@CalHx, @DonRummy, @Incilin, @JohnGanz, and @sam_satomi) as they work with all of you to gather all the world's musical knowledge into our song pages, fact tracks, album pages, metadata fields, and the trees of knowledge fruit not yet imagined.

It's worth explaining a little why Andre is the perfect person to take this role. He's the founder and former editor-in-chief of Wax Poetics, arguably the best music magazine on the planet. From 2001 until today, Andre made Wax Poetics the best place for crate diggers, historians, fans, and obsessives to connect with music past and present (@bfred has issue #3, @JohnGanz has #1). As Andre once explained to Current TV, "We dibble-dabble in the new and the old. Young people come to this older music; it's through hip-hop. It's hearing someone sample something and saying, 'Oh, yo, I gotta find that record that Primo or Dr. Dre or whoever used on that track.' It's like a time-machine. You use hip-hop to travel back and pick up on everything that's happened before."

You see where I'm going with this. Andre has been living the Genius way since before Genius existed, and now he's going to do it here with us. Check out "Smile Mama Smile" to get a taste of how cool that is, and the knowledge and depth @AndreTorres will bring to our song pages.

Christine Werthman

@cwerthman is our new new Executive Editor! Christine will be managing the Editorial Team (@annaose, @YoungJFK, and @oppi on video!) as they make Genius articles and video the internet's greatest source for musical knowledge, news, history, connections, and insights.

Prior to Genius, Christine was the Deputy Editor of Complex Music (and Managing Editor there before that), so she, @bfred, and @Incilin go back! Before Complex, Christine was the Managing Editor at XXL, and before that Managing Editor at CMJ. She's written about Demi Lovato and Wet and Carly Rae Jepsen and this dude named Kanye (I heard he has an album out or something). She knows what's what with music writing on the internet, and she's going to make Genius the very best place for it.

You may have already bumped into them on the site, but give a Genius welcome to @sam_satomi, @Leahf, @AndreTorres, and @cwerthman!

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