Debate of the Day [#178]: Is it acceptable for a politician’s policies to not reflect their personal beliefs?


The example that I'll use here to support what I mean is let's say someone who is running for office is personally against abortion, but believes that the decision should be up to the mother and therefor has no intentions of trying to withhold them from having that right. Does compromising your beliefs and having policies that are in favor of America's best interest rather than your own make you two faced? Or does it show that you're willing to put aside your personal beliefs for the sake of doing what most people believe is the right thing to do?

This probably isn't the best example to use for the scenario, but it was the first one that came to mind. What are your thoughts on this?

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Starboy ft. Daft Punk
The Weeknd

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Debate of the Day is now a year old 🎂

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the series for the past year. I know the ideas that I present aren't always as positively received as I would like them to be, but I appreciate everyone who has been participating for this long. This is the last question I have for Phase 6, I wanted to make this phase short and sweet and I think it's been pretty successful. The series will pick back up in mid-November with Phase 7, which will be the last phase of the year.

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