How many of you use Google Hangouts? (DOTD related thread)

I was planning on maybe doing something similar to a meet and greet on google hangouts with some of you that follow the series. We could talk about what you thought of the phase, what some of your favorite questions are (or maybe even debate some of them in person) or talk about some ideas you might want to share. If enough people are interested in this idea and want to join in, then I'll reveal the name/theme of Phase 6 in the hangout and maybe even let you guys in on some of the questions that I have for it so far. The final question of phase 5 will be posted tonight.

If there's a time/day that works best for you, let me know. I'd really like it if we have it on this upcoming Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Everyone is invited

@gamemast15r @Bossun7 @ShellBAQ @Metaphors @Reply-School @ItsG00BZ @Eon2323 @ImNotaPlaya_IjustFuccalot @DrewCypher @YeGame @Nightcrawler97 @ifeellikepablo @B4_Da_BASED @OpenMikeAguila @YABOYNICKY @RetardedRaccoon @Chodelicious @DjPhonosonic @TheHodsonator @Wu-Pac @BiterBitingRewrittenBits @Gorean_Kajira_aka_Nikki_Lee @KuzManDatNigga @AnonymousBeAllUpOnYaCreditCard @Master_Of_The_Universe @YeezusShrugged @ALLCAPSification @Seamus @NewWorldStarz @drxw @TheRealIsBack @HopsinxEminemFanfiction @RoBooOnMyDic @iZNX @GothicM @CirrusMinor @venusianfrommars @MidnightMercenary @Quiksta @YoungToronto @ZayWopStan @TheUltimateDJ391 @Untitled @RobTheDude @aharry01 @music @general-discussion @rap-genius @genius-moderation

Let me know if you would like to be added to this list

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