Reasonable Doubt Contest: Tell us your favorite Reasonable Doubt lyric and why for your chance to win!

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To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Jay Z's debut album Reasonable Doubt, Genius has teamed up with Kareem 'Biggs' Burke and Fourth of November to bring Genius users the chance to win a Fourth of November prize pack which includes a Limited edition New Era hat, Reasonable Doubt cassette and more!

What you do

For your chance to win, tell us what your favorite Reasonable Doubt lyric is and why in 100 words or less.

To submit, follow these steps:

  • Sign up or login to Genius here

  • Create a new Genius page. (You may be prompted to add a profile photo. This will allow you to create a page!)

  • Add primary info: the artist (by) should be "Reasonable Doubt Contest" and the title should be your username. Select the "rap" tag and add your page to the "Reasonable Doubt Contest" album

  • Copy & paste + complete this template in the "lyrics" section:

<b>My favorite <i>Reasonable Doubt</i> lyrics is…</b>

<blockquote>Insert lyric here</blockquote>

<b>This is my favorite lyric because...</b>
[Write why this lyric is your favorite in 100 words or less]

  • Your page should now look like this (with your lyric and reason completed)

What you win

First place:

  • Fourth of November denim Jeans

  • Fourth of November T shirt

  • Limited edition New Era | Fourth of November Denim 20th Year Reasonable Doubt hat

  • Reasonable T-shirt (this is from the Biggs and Jay collaboration merch collection)

  • Reasonable Doubt cassette

  • Genius swag pack (t-shirt, stickers, etc)

Second place: Genius swag pack (t-shirt, stickers, etc)

Third place: Genius swag pack (t-shirt, stickers, etc)


  • One entry per person

  • Entries close: 07/01/2016

  • Use 100 words or less, however, we encourage you to annotate your entry!

The competition will be judged by Genius staff members Rob Markman, Michael, and Stephen. If you're having issues or need to clarify something, send Michael a message. Good luck!

Check out the offical announcement here:

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