A lot of users came to both @ewokABdevito and I, saying that the Scribe-A-Thon was a little too confusing and kind of off-putting to newer users who wanted to get involved. Soooo we fixed it and made it simpler!
Peep here:
The new guidelines:
- Check out the transcription guide
- Instrumentals do not count
- Pages with poor formatting will not count
- Annotate each milestone with a link to the 5 pages you've transcribed
- You can message streetlights or BasedGator if you have any questions / concerns
Only add songs from these calendars/lists:
Most importantly – have fun ;)
Oh also, check out the new transcription guide! You can share it with other users if you see improper formatting, etc:
cc @transcribers @genius-editorial-board @genius-moderation @pop-genius @r-and-b-genius @country-genius @pop-genius
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