Hey, everyone!
Just a couple of weeks ago this artist by the name of EX REYES released his debut single "Bad Timing". It's actually really, really good, in my opinion – there's rock and jazz and pop and layered vocals and interesting lyrics and the video, filmed at Mardi Gras and a couple of parades is freaking dope:
The vid totally gives me vibes off like a happier version of Beyoncé's "No Angel" and the spoken-word poem "Anger" from Lemonade put together. It's rad; check it out.
He also has up this rad promotional website, which you can check out by clicking on the tiger here:
On the website you can put together a beat using pre-programmed keyboard keys and stuff – all the different elements of "Bad Timing" and it's honestly just really cool. Play around with it; it's a bundle of fun.
In terms of the song, being half deaf, I need some help transcribing it, and maybe dropping some annotations would be amazing. He's one of the guitarists behind Bleachers, and I'm really excited to see where he's going to go in terms of his solo career.
@rock-genius @pop-genius @transcribers
Happy listening,
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