I'm moderating an Angie Martinez Q&A tomorrow, any questions for her?

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YES! You read that correctly, ladies and gentleman. While I'm not hip-hop guy on this site, I am the incoming Vice President of St. John's University's WSJU Radio Station, St. John's official student-ran radio station, and we're going to be having an AMAZING event ran through TIDAL. Angie Martinez, of Hot 97 and, more recently, Power 105.1/The Breakfast Club fame, is going to be kicking off her tour for her brand new, tell-all book, My Voice, here at St. John's!

The interview will be at about 2:00PM EST Monday, May 2nd (that's today!), and wanted to know if you guys had any cool questions that would could pass off to me! I think it would be a great way to shout-out Genius during the interview and give her a great question when I open the floor after Angie and I's segment. She's "The Voice of New York" and someone that has a lot of intrigue behind her, so I'd really like if you guys could give me a little something cool to ask!

@rap-genius @general-discussion

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