
whew, this is gonna be a long one.


hi, i'm @babuc. if you don't know me on site, then it's nice to meet you! i'm an editor who enjoys annotating many artists, but i also really, really like pop. it's a fairly underrated genre; sure, there are tons of really bad pop, but there are tons of great pop artists too.

however, pop genius isn't a very popular subsection of genius, because a lot of lyrics are straightforward. however:

  1. this isn't the case for all pop. for example, as editors like @roy068 and @sereinik have shown on albums like beyonce's lemonade, lots of pop needs explanations.

  2. even if lyrics' meaning are fairly straightfoward, genius is still there. lyrical connections, interviews, and anything that could give interesting facts or maybe another viewpoint on lyrics are still dope!

so what does this have to do with a hashtag, babouk?

first of all, it's pronounced like babu sea ;__; (hence the verified name), second, this is all to say: pop genius isn't popping. there have been dope threads here for sure (especially shoutout @Gorean_Kajira_aka_Nikki_Lee), but they're not common, and pop genius as a whole is dope, but dormant.

so to #getpopgeniuspoppinagain, i'm introducing two new (hopefully weekly) threads that will hopefully get people annotating, discussing, and loving all things pop!

1. pop genius goodness

yes, i'm blatantly ripping off community goodness, but you wait—it's also a ripoff of tates of the week! and it has some other cool stuff, i guess

basically, this will feature some great pop annotations, dope threads, new albums, stuff that needs editorial love, pop news, contributor of the week (perhaps?) and maybe other stuff. for example, i have some album download codes that i could maybe give away in a contest :) although they're both vampire weekend albums, which aren't really pop. oh well, i digress; regardless, it'll be dope.

this will be posted in the pop genius forum every week; or, if that's too recently to have a beefy thread, maybe biweekly. we'll see :)

2. what's going on with pop?

this will essentially be an abbreviated version of pop genius goodness, but more user-based instead of overall-pop-based. it'll be posted in the music forum to get more exposure and show people how much pop is poppin.

how do i get involved?

glad you asked! just reply in this thread who you are or send me a pm so i can get to know you. that's optional, but i <3 all of you. either way, just make some tates, or a thread, or something pop related, and i'll shout you out!

if you're a whitehat, of course please feel free to participate, and i'd love to help you become editor. pop genius used to have a ton of dope editors, but now there's almost none :( but hopefully, with your guys' help, these threads, and some shoutouts, we can get pop genius popping!


cc interested people?: @music @genius-editorial-board @Tyrant @Freeus @roy068 @Drew_Harvie (btw dr00 if i shoutout ur tate u might get upvotes; read: potential iq bonus) @sereinik @angelated @VinylKilljoy_MCR @pop-genius (obviously) @Beyonce

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