Weekly Community Goodness #21 (18/04/2016 - 24/04/2016)

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Hola everyone

and welcome to the 21st segment of the Weekly Community Goodness here on Genius' Music Forum. I'm out here to find the best stuff on Genius, but to be honest, Genius is big, so I might miss some stuff! Feel free to post some awesome stuff below.

I'm @Drew_Harvie and I'm your guest host for this week. I follow @ScopeY, @Tyrant, @babuc and @B4_Da_B4SED as a host of this bad boy. Check out the previous threads:

part 1part 2part 3part 4 and 5part 6part 7part 8part 9p art 10part 11part 12part 13part 14part 15part 16part 17part 18part 19part 20

Forum Killers

Here's some good threads that I saw! I know some of them were mentioned last week, but @Tyrant is Australian—he lives upside down on weekdays and in a ditch on weekends, so do the shoutouts he gives really count? Lol jk, they're just that dope they deserve it two weeks in a row (technically my week).

@PinkCookies gets a CLASSIC THREAD while giving the Drake haters a wake up call with here, @NLbway goes full throwback, keeping his Back In Time Project going, @Slayneezus gives a nice review of Royce 5"9''s Layers here, @DrewKnight gets the second CLASSIC THREAD this week with his wild theory about Tyler, The Creator's music he re, @vinylzombie_MCR gives us part II of the pop-rock project, @sosad2112 lets us know about his ACT scores here, @Leverag asks the people which drums from Havoc are better, "Famous" or "Real Friends" here, @TheRealIsBack lets us know what happened on 4/20 in hop hop. @xWestCoastRidah challenges the conspiracy theories about Tupac and Biggie here, @TheRealIsBack gets his second dope thread this week here, and @SauceyBoy discusses rap albums with great replay value here.

Fire 'tates

@theonlydjorkeaff already does this in a separate thread,, but I thought I'd shoutout some more here! Shoutout @A1ex with this dope 'tate, @Cryptick has a nice one here, and @YABOYNICKY gets a good one on Kendrick's verse from "Freedom" here.

Crazy Initiatives

Who's doing awesome stuff? I know @Tyrant's keeping the hot songs in check, which @genius-editorial-board should help out with ;), @angelated starts Fan Art of Genius Users, @mattw16 keeps the Listening Club going and @Sem_Groeneweg is rocking the beat battles.Anything else?

Scribing champions

Shoutout everyone doing dope scribing work!

@cm7com @Captain_Hectic @JJK01.1 @Hazeherty @lemoncave @DaySleeper @KurtTrowbridge @WWJames @RikHogeland @MForMarlon @doylowl @JayDayer @UnannotatedUnmastered @Theonlydjorkaeff @hustleordie @SlimeThugger @calderbarlow

Scribing all-stars

Shoutout to the ALL-STARS of scribing who seemingly scribe the hot stuff before any of us even know it's a thing.

@yungdirty @streetlights @Freeus @SabaHotFire @Barrk

Articles you may have missed

@roy068 wrote a nice one: "Who Influenced Kanye West's The Life Of Pablo. @Incilin dropped a nice one about rap lyrics being used to imprison people of color. I know, I know, this was two days before the week started, but it's that good that it deserves a shoutout. @AndresTardio gave us a tour of Kendrick's life through his lyrics, @johnkennedy lets us know about some awesome Nas verses before Il lmatic, and finally, @Tyrant gives the rap verse of the week to Joyner Lucas.

editors of tomorrow

Some good white hats doing some good work around the site. Shoutout to @JayDayer @fieldofqueens @onlyacustomer @UnannotatedUnmastered and @MateoToro @FreeMyMind

Who else is coaching some dope users who might be on the come-up? These are the ones I've seen killing the game. Mention some good white-hats below :)


Did I miss anything? Drop it down below! Just because I didn't shout it out doesn't mean it's not good, it probably means I didn't see it. Please shout out some other people.

Plz don't be like this octopus and

@genius-editorial-board @r-and-b-genius @rock-genius @pop-genius @country-genius @rap-genius

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