Social Scholars: Educators’ Digital Identity Construction in Open, Online... -

W. Ian O'Byrne W. Ian O'Byrne
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Social Scholars: Educators' Digital Identity Construction in Open, Online Learning Environments

The #WalkMyWorld project was an open, social media experiment developed to provide preservice and in-service teachers and K–12 students with an opportunity to focus on developing media literacies and civic engagement in online spaces. The study employed a basic interpretative qualitative study approach (Merriam, 2002) to examine how online social environments can be used as a vehicle to engage educators in the creation and sharing of online content, as it relates to multimodal meaning making, social scholarship, and identity construction. For this study, identity construction was identified...

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Leigh Hall Leigh Hall
Bookmarked by Sara Kajder

The Role of Identity in Reading Comprehension Development

The purpose of this year-long project was to examine an instructional framework intended to help middle school teachers create instruction that responds to students' reading identities while also helping students learn the skills they need to be successful readers. The project used a formative design approach in order to achieve 3 pedagogical goals with middle school students: (a) examine and positively change their involvement with classroom reading practices, (b) improve their reading comprehension abilities, and (c) allow them to progress in who they want to become as readers.

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Sara  Kajder Sara Kajder
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Adolescents and Digital Literacies: Learning Alongside Our Students

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Mike  Cole Mike Cole
University of California, San DiegoCommunication, Emeritus

On the Complementarity of Cultural Historical Psychology and Contemporary Disability Studies

This essay compares and contrasts L.S. Vygotsky's approach to the study of atypical development with recent scholarship in the fields of disability studies (DS) and critical disability studies (CDS), which have come to prominence in Western and Northern Europe, the United States, and elsewhere in the late 20th century. Our goal is to seek to better understand what each group of scholars can contribute to providing a deeper understand and more humane, supportive environment for those to whom terms such as "disabled" are widely applied, and to consider their areas of both complementarity and...

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Timothy Lensmire

High School Students' Responses to Alternative Value Stances Associated with the Study of Multicultural Literature

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Jan Blommaert Jan Blommaert
Bookmarked by Raúl Alberto Mora

The conservative turn in Linguistic Landscape Studies

A critical review of the first issue of the journal "Linguistic Landscape" (vol. 1/1-2, 2015)

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John  Postill John Postill
Bookmarked by Sara Kajder

Digital Ethnography: Principles and Practice

This sharp, innovative book champions the rising significance of ethnographic research on the use of digital resources around the world. It contextualises digital and pre-digital ethnographic research and demonstrates how the methodological, practical and theoretical dimensions are increasingly intertwined. Digital ethnography is central to our understanding of the social world; it can shape methodology and methods, and provides the technological tools needed to research society. The authoritative team of authors clearly set out how to research localities, objects and events as well as...

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Youngjoo Yi Youngjoo Yi
Bookmarked by Sara Kajder

Putting multiliteracies into practice: Digital storytelling for multilingual adolescents in a summer program.

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Cecilia  Åsberg Cecilia Åsberg
Bookmarked by David R Cole

Speculative before the turn: Reintroducing Feminist Materialist Performativity

In lieu of an abstract: This is a moment for new conversations and new synergies within and outside of feminist theorizing. While a wealth of contemporary speculative materialisms is on the horizon and currently circulating in academia, art and activism, we would in this article like to focus upon a few ethico-political stakes in the different, loosely affiliated conceptions of ontologies of immanence.

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Amber M. Simmons Amber M. Simmons
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Responsible Grammar Rebels: Using The Hunger Games Trilogy to Teach the Intentional Sentence Fragment

Building off of students' interest in popular apocalyptic/dystopian literature, this article explores how passages from Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games trilogy aided in teaching students how to successfully rebel against traditional grammar rules, looking at fragments as intentional stylistic choices. Employing the values of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), students embraced the view of grammar as a set of choices made by the author to construct meaning rather than a set of rules, as evidenced by student discussion and writing samples. This reflective practitioner piece suggests...

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