Project Idea: Visual Annotation of Fall Out Boy Opera

@babuc @angelated @ScopeYstan @VinylZombie_MCR @MichaelLowry @JJK01 @rock-genius + all others parts of the Modern Rock fam:

@Damasaify recently annotated Kanye West's short movie Runaway on Genius with Screen Genius and company. It analyzes the meaning of visual shots and certain aspects of the movie throughout. After a bit of conversation between Damasa and I, I asked if a project like this was in the foreseeable future for Fall Out Boy's The Young Blood Chronicles, a visual version of their fifth album, Save Rock and Roll.

Damasa said, "Oh damn yea that is really long, uhmm possibly not in the near future though but if you could get a group together of artists that are into the band that would help. It sounds interesting looks like it would have potential however [sic]"

Would any of you be up for working on this project? I'm gonna warn you beforehand: there is a bit of gore involved in the movie, but the movie itself has eleven parts, so it would be nice to handle month by month for the rest of 2016.

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