Peter Smagorinsky uploaded papers

Hi Hoerul,

Peter Smagorinsky uploaded papers on

[Book Review: Curriculum as Conversation: Transforming Traditions of Teaching and Learning Arthur N. Applebee]

by Peter Smagorinsky

Appropriating conceptual and pedagogical tools for teaching English: A conceptual framework for studying professional development

by Peter Smagorinsky

Writing in School Contexts. Introduction to a special theme issue of L1-Educational Studies of Language and Literature

by Peter Smagorinsky

Tensions between traditions: The role of contexts in learning to teach

by Peter Smagorinsky

This theme of doubleness is perhaps the most central issue to emerge from the interviews with the teachers. On the one hand, teachers felt that they should facilitate discussions; on the other hand, they felt that they should make certain that the discussions "go somewhere." On the ...

Vygotskian Perspectives on Literacy Research: Constructing Meaning through Collaborative Inquiry. Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives

by Peter Smagorinsky

Vygotskian perspectives on literacy research: Constructing meaning through collaborative inquiry

by Peter Smagorinsky

A Response to "Research and the 'Inner Circle': The Need to Set Aside Counterproductive Language," by Nancy L. Leech

by Peter Smagorinsky

Are methods enough? Situating English education programs within the multiple settings of learning to teach

by Peter Smagorinsky

One fact that came out loud and clear during our discussions in At-lanta was that the work conditions and resources provided by different in-stitutions vary tremendously. In particular, many institutions entrust whole English education programs to a single faculty member who must offer the ...

Daiute's Dynamics

by Peter Smagorinsky

Rethinking rhizomes in writing about research

by Peter Smagorinsky

The Team

P.S. A recent study found that papers uploaded to receive a 73% boost in citations over 5 years. See the study and data here.

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