Toward a Theory of Literacy Meaning Making Within Virtual Worlds -

Robert J Tierney Robert J Tierney
Bookmarked by Judith L Green

Toward a Theory of Literacy Meaning Making Within Virtual Worlds

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Ryan M Rish Ryan M Rish
Bookmarked by Ebony Elizabeth Thomas

Investigating the implications of 'racelifting': Critical considerations of race in transmedia storytelling.

In this essay, I build on Dena's (2010) reconsideration of transmedia storytelling, which is concerned with how people make meaning in different ways with different types of texts, as a potential area for critical inquiry into the practice of racelifting in the adaptation and extension of stories.

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Henry Giroux Henry Giroux
Bookmarked by William Reynolds

Critical Pedagogy, Paulo Friere, and the Courage to be Political

Analyzes Freire's work as emblematic of what it means to make the pedagogical more political and what it means to be a radical public intellectual

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Judith L Green Judith L Green
Bookmarked by Ruth Harman

Interdisciplinary dialogues as a site for reflexive exploration of conceptual understandings of teaching–learning relationships

This study examines what the members of an interdisciplinary research alliance, at the intersection of Engineering and Education Ethnography, learned through ongoing dialogues among members (2012–2014). The analyses make visible how, and for what purpose(s), this interdisciplinary research alliance was constructed, including the theoretical/conceptual roots of perspectives guiding the members of the alliance, and how these orienting perspectives served as anchors for exploring points where differences in understandings became visible to members. By tracing responses that members had to...

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Raúl Alberto  Mora Raúl Alberto Mora
Bookmarked by Dawnene Hassett

Editorial for special issue on education and humour: Education and humour as tools for social awareness and critical consciousness in contemporary classrooms

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Antonia Darder Antonia Darder
Loyola Marymount UniversityEducational Leadership, Faculty Member

International Crtical Pedagogy Reader

Carefully curated to highlight research from more than twenty countries, the International Critical Pedagogy Reader introduces the ways the educational phenomenon that is critical pedagogy are being reinvented and reframed around the world. A collection of essays from both historical and contemporary thinkers coupled with original essays, introduce this school of thought and approach it from a wide variety of cultural, social, and political perspectives. Academics from South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and North America describe critical pedagogy's political,...

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Jackie Marsh Jackie Marsh
Bookmarked by Ryan M Rish

New literacies and old pedagogies: recontextualizing rules and practices

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Amy Hutchison Amy Hutchison
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Using Coding Apps to Support Literacy Instruction and Develop Coding Literacy

In this article the authors present the concept of Coding Literacy and describe the ways in which coding apps can support the development of Coding Literacy and disciplinary and digital literacy skills. Through detailed examples, we describe how coding apps can be integrated into literacy instruction to support learning of the Common Core English Language Arts standards. The authors also provide suggestions for getting started with coding apps and discuss aspects of instruction for teachers to consider as they plan to integrate coding apps into their classrooms.

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Audra  Skukauskaite Audra Skukauskaite
Bookmarked by Judith L Green

Transparency in Transcribing: Making Visible Theoretical Bases Impacting Knowledge Construction from Open-Ended Interview Records

This article presents a reflexive analysis of two transcripts of an open-ended interview and argues for transparency in transcribing processes and outcomes. By analyzing ways in which a researcher's theories become consequential in producing and using transcripts of an open-ended interview, this paper makes visible the importance of examining and presenting theoretical bases of transcribing decisions. While scholars across disciplines have argued that transcribing is a theoretically laden process (GREEN, FRANQUIZ & DIXON, 1997; KVALE & BRINKMAN, 2009), few have engaged in reflexive...

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Amy Hutchison Amy Hutchison
Bookmarked by Leigh Hall

Bridging Technology and Literacy: Developing Digital Reading and Writing Practices in Grades K-6

This book provides a practical understanding of digital literacy and information on integrating digital technology into English Language Arts and literacy instruction at the K-6 grade levels. Cross-disciplinary connections are also provided to bridge literacy and language arts and other content areas for a more integrated approach to literacy instruction. This text not only introduces readers to various types of digital tools and resources, but also provides practical approaches for using digital tools in instruction to help students read and write multimodal digital texts. Each chapter...

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