| | | Mediated discourse analysis: Tracking discourse in action [Analysis of viral video "A Baby Thinks a Magazine is an iPad that does not Work"] In this chapter, I demonstrate methods of mediated discourse analysis as a way of unpacking and tracking how the smallest actions, like a baby's wordless swipes and taps on a tablet, constitute key meaning-making practices (e.g., talking, reading, writing, playing, viewing, designing, filming, computing, etc.) that signal literate abilities and identities. This action orientation distinguishes mediated discourse analysis from other types of critical discourse analysis through a recognition that • Activity is often neither narrated nor accompanied by text or talk; however, such activity... | | Collaborative learning across time and space: Ethnographic research in online affinity spaces In this paper, we further articulate connective ethnography and consider how it may add to qualitative studies of collaborative learning in naturalistic, computer-mediated settings. Despite their physical separation, members of online affinity spaces work and learn together—they construct and review artifacts and share their work across sites. To trace these processes, we examine the complex artifacts and texts that constitute social practice in these spaces. We consider how expanding connective ethnography may meet researchers' needs in online contexts and we raise questions about how... | | "Just like I have felt": Multimodal counternarratives in youth-produced digital media A key concept that we introduce and develop in this article is multimodal counternarrative, the way in which individuals employ multiple modes of representation to push back against oppressive master narratives. In order to identify and analyze this form of counternarrative, we develop and explicate an analytic tool called multimodal microanalysis. We use multimodal microanalysis to study a digital poem produced by a high school sophomore who identifies as gay, Asian, and a second-generation immigrant. Our analysis indicates that this young man uses digital media in four key ways to create... | | Tintiangco-Cubales, A., Kohli, R., Sacramento, J., Henning, N., Agarwal-Rangnath, R., & Sleeter, C. (2014). Toward an Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: Implications for K-12 Schools from the Research. The Urban Review, 1-22. | | Handbook of complementary methods in education research The American Educational Research Association (AERA) publishes books and journals based on the highest standards of professional review to ensure their quality, accuracy, and objectivity. Findings and conclusions in publications are those of the authors and do not ... | | Educational Philosophy and 'new' French thought One could argue that the greatest challenge for the philosophy of education today is to stake its claim amidst the increasing prominence and competitive nature of evidence-based and profit-motivated theories of education. On one side of this point of contention are philosophies of education that owe their heritage to the analytical and empiricist mindset, on the other are those that may be derived from what can be broadly termed continental philosophy and the specific endeavour to develop theory. In the contemporary, globalised situation, where the philosophy of education needs to be... | | | Academia, 251 Kearny St., Suite 520, San Francisco, CA, 94108 Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Service © 2015 Academia | |
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